Can I make changes to my application?

Can I make changes to my application?

Changes can only be made before payment has been made and allocated. You can easily make changes to your application via our website by following these steps:
  1. Visit 
  2. Select Sign In on the top right corner of your screen
  3. Select Online Registration  
  4. Select Existing Learner 
  5. Select Submitted Application Status. From this screen, you'll be able to edit your application.
Alternatively, please call 087 405 2233 or send an email to for assistance. 

Afrikaanse weergawe:
Veranderinge kan slegs gemaak word voordat betaling ontvang en geallokeer is. Jy kan maklik veranderinge maak op jou aansoek via ons webwerf deur om hierdie stappe te volg:
  1. Besoek
  2. Klik op Sign In regs bo-aan jou skerm
  3. Kies Online Registration
  4. Kies Existing Learner
  5. Klik op Submitted Application Status. Vanaf hierdie skerm sal jy jou aansoek kan opdateer.