How do I make payment to finalise my registration?

How do I make payment to finalise my registration?

You will receive a formal quotation from Impaq. Please check that the information is 100% correct before making payment as stipulated on the quote, using ONLY the student number as a reference.
The deposit/full amount (depending on the payment option you’ve chosen) including all outstanding balances must be settled paid before your registration can be finalised. 

Afrikaanse weergawe
Jy sal 'n formele kwotasie van Impaq ontvang. Verseker asb. dat die inligting 100% korrek is voordat jy betaling maak (soos gestipuleer op die kwotasie). Gebruik asb. SLEGS die studentenommer as 'n verwysing vir jou betaling. Die deposito/volle bedrag (afhangende van die opsie wat jy gekies het) insluitend alle uitstaande gelde moet eers betaal word voordat jou registrasie gefinaliseer kan word. 
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