How do I open a .zip folder for PATs and other assessments?
After downloading a .zip file from OLP (or my.Impaq), the folder will automatically be saved to your Downloads folder.
Where do I find my Downloads folder
- Select File Explorer from the taskbar, or press the Windows logo key + E
- Under Quick Access, select Downloads
- The test/examination that you’ve downloaded will be in your Downloads
folder. You can identify compressed folders by the file extension (.zip) and a zipper on the folder icon.
How do I access/unzip a .zip folder?
When you extract files from a zipped folder, a new folder with the same name is created which contains the files. The compressed (zipped) version also remains.
To extract files from a .zip folder, do the following:
- Right-click the .zip folder saved to your computer
- Choose Extract All... (an extraction wizard will begin)
- Click Next >
- To choose a new file destination, click Browse... and navigate where you want to save the files.
- Click Next >
- Now click Finish
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