How do I submit practical tests or exams for IT?

How do I submit practical tests or exams for IT?

The Delphi code (.pas files) must be copied to a Microsoft Office Word document, saved as a PDF and then submitted to the electronic portal. The IT practical test or exam must be uploaded electronically, and will not be marked if submitted on a flash drive or cd.

Instructions on how to save the Delphi 2010 coding to a PDF document will be on the question paper. For your ease of reference, you can refer to the below. 

Once the learner has completed the programming code in Delphi 2010, they must save their work first. Make an additional copy as a backup and then start with the process to transfer the code to a Word document. Then:
  1. Select all the code by holding down the <CTRL> and <A> keys on the keyboard, in Delphi. This will select ALL the Delphi code that the learner completed as per the test/examination per question. The code needs to be copied by holding down the <CTRL> and <C> keys. This will copy all the Delphi code in the program.
  2. Open a new document in Microsoft Word. 
  3. Hold down <CTRL> and <V>. This will paste the learner’s code into the Microsoft Word document. Repeat this for every question completed, in the same Word document. 
  4. Save the Microsoft Office Word document as the learner’s name and student number.
  5. Save the Microsoft Office Word document as a PDF document.
  6. Submit the PDF document along with the cover page available on the Optimi Learning Portal.