How long are quotes valid for?

How long are quotes valid for?

Quotations expire on the 20th of each month or when the applicable promotion ends (whichever date comes first). Monthly instalments may change if a new quote is issued. Keep in mind that the monthly instalments and start date are subject to the deposit payment date. Payments received after the 20th of each month will increase the monthly fee, and monthly billing will start a month later.

Afrikaanse weergawe:
Kwotasies verval op die 20ste van elke maand of wanneer die toepaslike promosie eindig (watter datum ook al eerste kom). Maandelikse paaiemente kan verander as 'n nuwe kwotasie uitgereik word. Hou in gedagte dat die maandelikse paaiemente en begindatum onderhewig is aan die deposito betaaldatum. Betalings wat na die 20ste van elke maand ontvang word, sal die maandelikse fooi verhoog, en maandelikse fakturering sal 'n maand later begin.

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