I have not been able to upload documents during the online registration process. What should I do?

I have not been able to upload documents during the online registration process. What should I do?

In case you were unable to upload documents during the online registration process, please send the required documents (which may include the birth certificate/passport of the learner, the ID/passport of the guardian and/or account holder) to info@impaq.co.za, and we will gladly assist. Please note that to register a learner for Grades 11 or 12, we will also require a successful (passed) final report card from the previous academic year.

Afrikaanse weergawe:
Indien jy nie dokumente tydens die aanlyn registrasieproses kon oplaai nie, stuur asb. die dokumente (wat die geboortesertifikaat/paspoort van die leerder, asook die ID-dokument/paspoort van die wettige voog en/of rekeninghouer mag insluit) na info@impaq.co.za. Vir leerders in graad 11 of -12, let asb. daarop dat ons ook 'n suksesvolle (geslaagde) finale rapport van die vorige akademiese jaar benodig.

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