I’ve registered on my.Impaq. What are the next steps?

I’ve registered on my.Impaq. What are the next steps?

Once you’ve registered on my.Impaq (Step 9 of the registration process), you will be redirected to the Impaq website to provide us with additional important information (Steps 10 to 15). 

At the bottom of the screen, under “Review”, click on “Next Step” to submit your application online. You will then see a pop-up message confirming that your application has been submitted. From here, we will process your application. Once your application has been approved, you will receive your formal quotation within 2 to 4 business days. Please check your inbox and junk/spam folders for more information. You should only make payment once you’ve received and accepted the formal quotation.

Afrikaanse weergawe:
Sodra jy op my.Impaq geregistreer het (Stap 9 van die registrasieproses) sal jy outomaties teruggestuur word na die Impaq webwerf om bykomende inligting rondom jou aansoek te verskaf (Stap 10 tot 15). 

Klik op "Next Step" onder "Review" om jou aansoek aanlyn in te dien. Jy sal dan 'n boodskap op die skerm ontvang wat bevestig dat jou aansoek ingedien is. Wanneer jy jou aansoek op ons webblad indien sal dit deur ons span verwerk word. Sodra jou aansoek aanvaar word sal jy binne 2 tot 4 besigheidsdae ‘n formele kwotasie ontvang. Hou jou e-posse (asook jou “junk/spam”) dop vir meer inligting. Betaling moet slegs geskied nadat jy die formele kwotasie ontvang het. 

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