My child has EGD as a subject. Where can I find more information?

My child has EGD as a subject. Where can I find more information?

Grade 10 EGD 
If you have registered for hard copy (printed) or electronic books, you will receive: 
  1. A full workbook, including all formal assessments and practice drawings. This workbook is only available in hard copy. 
  2. Hard copy assessment-only workbook, including all compulsory course drawings. You can also download course drawings from the Assessment screen on the Optimi Learning Portal (OLP). If you choose to print the course drawings, please ensure that they are printed in actual size (A3).  
  3. As of 2025, all compulsory facilitator and learner content will only be available electronically on OLP. Visit the Lessons screen to find:                  
    1. Step-by-step videos with drawing instructions
    2. Step-by-step downloadable PDF with drawing instructions 
    3. Learning aims for each drawing 
    4. Memos for each lesson drawing  

Grade 11 & 12 EGD 
If you have registered for hard copy (printed) or electronic books, you will receive: 
  1. A full hard copy workbook, including all formal assessments and practice drawings.  
  2. Hard copy assessment-only workbook, including all compulsory course drawings. You can also download course drawings from the Assessment screen on OLP. If you choose to print the course drawings, please ensure that they are printed in actual size (A3). 
  3. HSE Study guide and textbook (available electronically or in hard copy, depending on which option you selected upon registration).  
  4. Digital facilitator's guide in the form of a data link. You will receive an email shortly after the start of the academic year, which contains more information and instructions on how to install and access the facilitator's guide.  
If you have not selected electronic or hard copy facilitator's guides upon registration (for learners in Grades 11 & 12), you will need to purchase a license key for the digital facilitator's guide.  

All grades – assessment only option 
If you have selected the assessment only option, you will receive: 
  1. Hard copy assessment-only workbook, including all compulsory course drawings. You can also download course drawings from the Assessment screen on OLP. If you choose to print the course drawings, please ensure that they are printed in actual size (A3).
As of 2025, the portfolio memorandums (for all grades) can only be downloaded from the Assessment screen on OLP. Memos must be printed in A4, actual size.   

Afrikaanse weergawe: 

Graad 10 IGO 
Indien jy hardekopie (gedrukte) of e-boeke gekies het met registrasie, sal jy die volgende ontvang: 
  1. 'n Volle werkboek, insluitend alle formele assesserings en oefentekeninge. Hierdie werkboek is slegs beskikbaar in hardekopie. 
  2. Hardekopie assesseringswerkboek, wat alle verpligte kursustekeninge bevat. Hierdie tekeninge kan ook van die Optimi Learning Portal (OLP) afgelaai word. Maak asb. Seker dat alle kursustekeninge in "actual size" (A3) gedruk word.  
  3. Vanaf 2025 sal alle verpligte fasiliteerder- en leerderinhoud slegs elektronies op OLP beskikbaar wees. Klik op die 'Lessons'-skerm vir: 
    1. Stap-vir-stap video's met tekeninstruksies 
    2. Stap-vir-stap tekeninstruksies in aflaaibare PDF-formaat 
    3. Leeruitkomstes vir elke tekening 
    4. Memo's vir lestekeninge  
Graad 11 & 12 IGO 
Indien jy hardekopie (gedrukte) of e-boeke gekies het met registrasie, sal jy die volgende ontvang: 
  1. 'n Volle werkboek, insluitend alle formele assesserings en oefentekeninge. Hierdie werkboek is slegs beskikbaar in hardekopie. 
  2. Hardekopie assesseringswerkboek, wat alle verpligte kursustekeninge bevat. Hierdie tekeninge kan ook van OLP afgelaai word. Maak asb. Seker dat alle kursustekeninge in "actual size" (A3) gedruk word. 
  3. HSE Studiegids en handboek (beskikbaar in hardekopie of e-boek formaat, afhangende van die opsie wat jy gekies het). 
  4. Digitale fasiliteerdersgids in die vorm van 'n dataskakel. Jy sal kort na die begin van die akademiese jaar 'n e-pos ontvang met meer inligting en instruksies in terme van hoe om die fasiliteerdersgids te installeer en oop te maak.   
Indien jy nie elektroniese of hardekopie-fasiliteerdersgidse gekies het met registrasie nie sal jy 'n lisensiesleutel vir die digitale fasiliteerdersgids moet aankoop (slegs van toepassing op graad 11 en –12). 

Alle grade – slegs assesserings 
Indien jy gekies het om slegs vir assesserings te registreer, sal jy die volgende ontvang: 
  1. Hardekopie assesseringswerkboek, wat alle verpligte kursustekeninge bevat. Hierdie tekeninge kan ook van OLP afgelaai word. Maak asb. Seker dat alle kursustekeninge in werklike grootte (A3) gedruk word. 
Vanaf 2025 sal die portefeulje-memorandums (vir alle grade) slegs beskikbaar wees om af te laai vanaf die 'Assessment'-skerm op OLP. Memo's moet in "actual size" (A4) gedruk word.