How do I register my child with the DBE?
The parent or legal guardian of a learner being home-educated can register his/her child with the relevant Provincial Department of Education by following the steps below. Please note:
- Online school learners are exempt from registration at the moment and do not register for home education.
- Legislation changes from time to time, and Grade R may become compulsory. Kindly liaise with your Provincial Department of Education around Grade R registration.
2. From the right-hand of your screen, select the province where you reside to access the relevant application form.
3. Complete the form as per the instructions.
4. Use the email address on the front page of the form to submit the completed form together with all other required documents.
Registered clients can find more information, year plans, and helpful tips on the Optimi Learning Portal (OLP) under Resources > General Documents.
Submit the following documents along with the completed form to the email address specified on the front page of the relevant form:
- Certified copy of the learner’s birth certificate
- Certified copy of the learner’s last school report signed by the principal (if applicable)
- Certified copy of the parent’s ID
- In the case of foreign nationals, certified copies of passport /study permit/work permit/ asylum documents are required.
- Certified copy of the transfer certificate from the previous school (if applicable),
- In case of a learner with special needs, attach a certified copy of the assessment document or referral letter from the medical practitioner.
- Motivation explaining why the parent wishes the learner to be educated at home.
- Full details of the educational programme* (subjects, teaching hours per subject, assessment, extra mural activities, excursions, library programme, use of tutor**).
The above is merely a guideline. Please ensure that you follow the instructions and guidelines for each province as stipulated on the relevant application form.
* For learners registered with Impaq, clearly state that the CAPS curriculum will be followed. Full details of the educational programme can be found in the year plans per subject), available from General Documents > Where to Begin > Year Plans. The assessment plan per subject is also available to download from OLP.
**Where the service of a tutor is enlisted, in line with the policy on home education, specify only that the services of the tutor will be enlisted for subject-specific support.
Once your application has been received, the PED will review and inform you of the outcome of your application.
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