When will I receive my books?

When will I receive my books?

Each learner registered with Impaq will receive a separate parcel. Lesson material is made available per grade as per our annual delivery and collection schedule and is subject to stock availability. Your order will be processed once the fees (as per the final quotation and agreement) have been allocated to your account. We refer to this as the order date. Please refer to our Shipping, Delivery, and Collection Policy for more informationOnce your registration has been finalised, you can expect your books to be ready for delivery or collection within 3 to 10 business days. You will be notified via email and SMS once your parcel is ready. 

Afrikaanse weergawe:
Elke leerder wat by Impaq registreer sal 'n aparte pakkie ontvang. Leermateriaal word per graad beskikbaar gemaak volgens ons jaarlikse aflewering- en afhaalskedule en is onderhewig aan die beskikbaarheid van voorraad. Jou bestelling sal verwerk word sodra die fooie (soos die finale kwotasie en ooreenkoms) aan jou rekening geallokeer is. Ons verwys hierna as die besteldatum. Verwys asseblief na ons Aflewerings- en Afhaalbeleid vir meer inligting. Sodra jou registrasie afgehandel is, kan jy verwag dat jou boeke binne 3 tot 10 werksdae gereed sal wees vir aflewering of afhaal. Jy sal per e-pos en SMS in kennis gestel word sodra jou pakkie gereed is.

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