Where do I find a reader and/or scribe?

Where do I find a reader and/or scribe?

Please send an email to aqc.support@impaq.co.za, including the learner's location and grade, so that we may send you a list of readers/scribes in your province that you may contact for assistance. Alternatively, you can also nominate someone to complete Impaq's reader and scribe training. 

Note that a reader/scribe:
  1. must be a competent adult not suffering from learning barriers themselves, appointed and paid by parents/guardians
  2. may not be a teacher, facilitator, or tutor of the learner, nor the head of a tutor business or independent school
  3. may not have a personal relationship with the learner (personal assistant excluded), therefore family members of a learner may not act as examination assistants for them
  4. must familiarise themselves with the rules for each accommodation granted and ensure that they function within those parameters
  5. may not assist learners with the interpretation of questions or the formulation of answers
  6. should ideally have teaching experience
  7. must have completed the relevant training and obtained the necessary certification (in this case, specifically Reader & Scribe training)

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