Get in touch
How do I open a PDF sent via the Impaq Communication app (powered by D6)?
Important information, such as how-to guides and newsletters, are shared as PDFs via the Impaq Communication app. This will require you to open the attachment to not miss out on valuable notifications. In order to allow you to open PDFs, please: ...
Why can't I see any messages sent via the Impaq Communication D6 app?
If you are not seeing any messages on the Impaq Communication app, don't panic! Please check that you are using the email address and contact number as listed on my.Impaq. Also ensure that you have downloaded the correct app. If you are unsure, ...
How do I install or log in to the Impaq Communication app (Powered by D6)?
The Impaq Communication app (Powered by D6) is our primary communication platform, where we update you on everything you need to know during the year. Please download the Impaq Communication app by clicking on this link ...
Missed a webinar?
If you've missed a webinar and would like to watch the recording, you can always access this by clicking on the link corresponding to the particular session you've missed on the Impaq Webinar Recordings document available on OLP under Resources > ...