Distance education in Grades 10 to 12

Distance education in Grades 10 to 12

All Grade 10 to 12 Impaq learners are registered with the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), the assessment body for distance education. SACAI is quality assured by Umalusi, who issues the National Senior Certificate (NSC) to all learners who successfully complete their high school careers. Registration with Impaq and SACAI means that you are enrolling for distance education.

Assessments in Grades 10 to 12
Learners complete different assessment components, including:
  1. Tests and exams - you will need to appoint an Impaq-approved invigilator to oversee all tests and exams to ensure that the rules and regulations for these assessments are followed. Tests and exams must be written as per the set timetable(s), available on OLP. Click here to read more about tests and exams in Grades 10 to 12. 
  2. Orals for language subjects, as well as Practical Assessment Tasks (PATs) - an assessor is required to assess orals and PATs. Click here to read more about PATs and orals. 
  3. Assessment tasks
Please remember that Impaq marks all Grade 12 components and all tests and exams in Grades 10 to 12 (excluding the final Grade 12 NSC exam). New to Impaq? Click here to find out where to start. 

Afrikaanse weergawe:
Alle Impaq-leerders in graad 10 tot 12 word geregistreer by die South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), die assesseringsliggaam vir afstandsonderrig. SACAI word geakkrediteer deur Umalusi, wat die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS) uitreik aan alle leerders wat hul hoërskoolloopbaan suksesvol voltooi. Registrasie by Impaq en SACAI beteken dat jy vir afstandsonderrig inskryf.

Assesserings in graad 10 tot 12
Leerders voltooi verskeie assesseringskomponente, wat insluit:
  1. Toetse en eksamens - 'n Impaq-goedgekeurde toesighouer moet aangestel word om toesig te hou oor alle toetse en eksamens om te verseker dat die reëls en regulasies vir hierdie assesserings nagekom word. Toetse en eksamens moet volgens die betrokke rooster (wat beskikbaar is op OLP) geskryf word. Klik hier om meer te lees oor toetse en eksamens in graad 10 tot 12. 
  2. Mondelinge vir taalvakke, asook Praktiese Assesseringstake (PAT's) - 'n assessor word benodig om PAT's en mondelinge te assesseer. Klik hier vir meer inligting oor PAT's en mondelinge. 
  3. Assesseringstake
Onthou dat Impaq alle graad 12-komponente nasien, asook alle toetse en eksamens in graad 10 tot 12 (behalwe die finale graad 12 NSS-eksamen). Nuut by Impaq? Lees meer oor waar om te begin.  

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