How do I access my electronic books (e-books)?

How do I access my electronic books (e-books)?

You will need to download and install the miEbooks app to view your e-books. Your e-books should be available on the miEbooks application within two (2) working days after receiving your miEbooks welcome email. Please check your junk/spam folder or contact us if you have not received this email.

Please check that your device complies with the minimum device and software requirements for e-books. Click here to read more. 

Afrikaanse weergawe:
Laai die miEbooks-toepassing af om toegang te kry tot jou e-boeke. Jou e-boeke behoort binne twee (2) werksdae na ontvangs van jou miEbooks verwelkomings-e-pos op die miEbooks-toepassing beskikbaar te wees. Kyk asb. in jou gemorspos of kontak ons as jy nie hierdie e-pos ontvang het nie.

Verseker asb. dat jou toestel voldoen aan die minimum vereistes vir e-boeke. Klik hier om meer te lees. 
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